Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 23- Friday 8/5

Today I got to sleep in here and got here at 8! I did my blog and checked e-mail, then went to the meeting. We didn't do anything too exciting.  Next, Prati and I went back to the lab and we sort of had a party that wasn't planned.  I brought cookies, Prati brought cupcakes, and Karen brought donuts.  What a coincidence! We also listened to some Friday songs and (Katy Perry/Rebecca Black) other YouTube songs while learning Semanticode (you tell the program what a person is fixating on). It was really fun!!!  Prati and I also reserved the SMI for Monday for Bethany. Hopefully that helps her.

We went to Ameils to start the field trip next.  I got a meat ball sub, and it was really yummy! I also had fun with the other interns :) The Xerox part was pretty interesting, but I was veerrrrryy sleepy after eating the sub, so I was having trouble focusing again.  They talked about things like monitoring vital signs without wires (with thermal imaging), follow-up medical movies that are custom made for you, cigarette detectors, security printing, and mobile printing using the cloud.  We then got to see the iGen4, a $600,000 printer Xerox makes!  It was really big, and it prints 110 pages per minute!  I wish my printer did that.

We got back to RIT, and I started reading the article for the Tuesday lab meeting.  I also wrote this blog before I forget everything...anyway hooray for the weekend!

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